Slowly and surely... just like the Sloth.

The rebuilding and rebranding of my YouTube channel is off and running… er, crawling. And that’s OK. As you likely know by now, the old Moonshine n’ Marshmallows channel has split up in to two channels with the OG channel handling all the outdoor gear reviews going forward and the new Shine and Mallows channel serving as the exclusive Vlog channel.

As you’ve likely noticed, I’ve been moving all the old vlog style videos to the Shine and Mallows channel one day at a time. Which means it’s a GREAT time to catch up on your favorites from the past or discover videos that skipped your radar!

That said, I’m also sneaking new videos in, too. I’ve visited a Scooter’s Coffee for the first time, had a less than stellar fall camping trip and, this Sunday the 20th, I’ll share with you a full tour of my FAVORITE cabin in the Smoky Mountains. I love this place so much that I’ve stayed there the past FOUR trips! I can’t wait to show you why!

As always, I thank you for joining me on this adventure and do hope you enjoy my content. I’m always happy to chat, too. So feel free to comment on any video you like and I’ll be sure to reply.

In the meantime, don’t forget to subscribe to my Vlog here: Shine And Mallows - YouTube and/or my outdoor gear review channel here: Moonshine & Marshmallows - YouTube and until we see each other again…